Trump Won, MSM Won, Biden Lost, and America Lost

Trump Won, MSM Won, Biden Lost, and America Lost

Trump won the debate. Anybody saying differently is lying. They might tell you that Biden spoke the truth and Trump lied. They might tell you that Biden had some good attacks. They might tell you about Biden's record. But guess what? None of that matters.

You might think "why don't facts matter?" If you are, you have not been paying attention to American politics for very long. Facts don't matter (ok, they do to intelligent, honest people). The only thing that matters is perception and the overall perception after last nights debate is, Trump is strong and Biden is weak.

Yes, Trump is a weak coward but "he looked strong." Yes, Trump cannot put together a coherent sentence but "he looked strong." Yes, Trump wears makeup, probably wears depends, is a convicted felon, and tried to end our democracy but, "he looked strong." And Biden didn't.

So Trump wins. And do you know who else wins? Mainstream media. MSM loves Trump. From The New York Times, to CNN, to Fox News, they all love Trump. And none of these "news" outlets care at all about our country, our Constitution, or our democracy. All they care about is selling tickets to the show and a thriving economy like you got with Obama and Biden, doesn't make for a good show. They prefer chaos. Chaos and tax cuts and that's what Republicans do.

So sorry to all you losers out there. You know who you are. It's all of us.